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Displaying Record for Publication: Journal of the International College of Surgeons

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleJournal of the International College of Surgeons
Abbreviated TitleJ. Int. Coll. Surg.
Title NotesTitle varies: v1 n1-v1 n2 as Trans. Int. Coll. Surg
Language of TextEnglish
Summaries InEnglish, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
Historyv1 n1 Jan. 1939-v44 n6 Dec. 1965
Publication NotesOccas numbers pub in several parts
Successor Title NoteChanged to
Successor Title(s)International Surgery
Alternate Title(s) Transactions of the International College of Surgeons
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Trans. Int. Coll. Surg.