CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Proceedings of the International Congress of Pharmacology

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleAdvances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Proceedings of the International Congress of Pharmacology
Abbreviated TitleAdv. Pharmacol. Ther., Proc. Int. Congr. Pharmacol., 7th
Language of TextEnglish
Alternate Title(s) International Congress of Pharmacology, Proceedings, 7th, 1978
Proceedings of the International Congress of Pharmacology, 7th, 1978
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Int. Congr. Pharmacol., Proc., 7th, 1978
Proc. Int. Congr. Pharmacol., 7th, 1978