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Displaying Record for Publication: Conferentia Hungarica pro Therapia et Investigatione in Pharmacologia, Societas Pharmacologica Hungarica

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleConferentia Hungarica pro Therapia et Investigatione in Pharmacologia, Societas Pharmacologica Hungarica
Abbreviated TitleConf. Hung. Ther. Invest. Pharmacol., Soc. Pharmacol. Hung., 4th
Language of TextEnglish, German, Russian
Alternate Title(s) Hungarian Conference on Therapy and Pharmacological Research, 4th, 1966
Ungarische Konferenz fuer Therapie und Pharmakologische Forschung, 4th, 1966
Vengerskaya Konferentsiya po Voprosam Terapii i Farmakologicheskikh Issledovatel'skikh Rabot, 4th, 1966.
Societas Pharmacologica Hungarica, Conferentia, 4th, 1966
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Hung. Conf. Ther. Pharmacol. Res., 4th, 1966
Ung. Konf. Ther. Pharmakol. Forsch., 4th, 1966
Veng. Konf. Vopr. Ter. Farmakol. Issled. Rab., 4th, 1966.
Soc. Pharmacol. Hung., Conf., 4th, 1966