CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Circadian Rhythms in the Central Nervous System, [Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium of the IUPHAR 9th International Congress of Pharmacology]

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleCircadian Rhythms in the Central Nervous System, [Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium of the IUPHAR 9th International Congress of Pharmacology]
Abbreviated TitleCircadian Rhythms Cent. Nerv. Syst., [Proc. Satell. Symp.]
Title NotesIUPHAR = International Union of Pharmacology
Language of TextEnglish
Publisher NameMacmillan Press
Alternate Title(s) International Congress of Pharmacology, 9th, 1984
IUPHAR International Congress of Pharmacology, 9th, 1984
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Int. Congr. Pharmacol., 9th, 1984
IUPHAR Int. Congr. Pharmacol., 9th, 1984