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Displaying Record for Publication: Raport - Instytut Techniki Jadrowej AGH

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleRaport - Instytut Techniki Jadrowej AGH
Abbreviated TitleRap. - Inst. Tech. Jad. AGH
Translated TitleReport, Institute of Nuclear Technology AGH
Language of TextEnglish, Polish
Summaries InEnglish, Polish, Russian
Historyn1 Aug. 1970-May 1973
Publication NotesNot consecutively issued
Successor Title NoteChanged to
Successor Title(s)Raport - Instytut Fizyki i Techniki Jadrowej AGH
Alternate Title(s) Instytut Techniki Jadrowej AGH, Raport
Institute of Nuclear Techniques-Cracow, [Report]
Institut Yadernoi Tekhniki-Krakov, [Soobshchenie]
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Inst. Tech. Jad. AGH, Rap.
Inst. Nucl. Tech.-Cracow, [Rep.]
Inst. Yad. Tekh.-Krakov, [Soobshch.]