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Displaying Record for Publication: Chishitsu Chosa Kenkyu Hokoku

Entry TypeActive Serial
TitleChishitsu Chosa Kenkyu Hokoku
Abbreviated TitleChishitsu Chosa Kenkyu Hokoku
Translated TitleGeological Survey Research Report
Former Title Note(s)Formerly
Former Title(s)Chishitsu Chosasho Geppo
Language of TextJapanese, English
Summaries InJapanese, English
Historyv52 n4/5 Apr. 2001+
Publication NotesAvail. from Internet at URL:
Publisher NameSangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyusho, Chishitsu Chosa Sogo Senta
Alternate Title(s) Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan (2001-)
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Bull. Geol. Surv. Jpn. (2001-)