CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Prace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitlePrace Instytutu Gospodarki Wodnej
Abbreviated TitlePr. Inst. Gospod. Wodnej
Translated TitleProceedings of the Institute of Water Management
Language of TextPolish
Summaries InEnglish, Polish, Russian
Historyv1 1961-v7 n4 1973
Successor Title NoteMerged with
Merged Title(s)Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Hydrologiczno-Meteorologicznego
Successor Title(s)Prace Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej
Alternate Title(s) Proceedings of Water Economics Research Institute, Warsaw
Trudy Instituta Vodnogo Khozyaistva, Warsaw
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Proc. Water Econ. Res. Inst., Warsaw
Tr. Inst. Vodn. Khoz., Warsaw