CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Zentralblatt fuer Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik

Entry TypeDiscontinued Serial
TitleZentralblatt fuer Pharmazie, Pharmakotherapie und Laboratoriumsdiagnostik
Abbreviated TitleZentralbl. Pharm., Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn.
Former Title Note(s)Formed by merger of
Formed by merger of
Former Title(s)Arzneimittelstandardisierung
Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle
Language of TextGerman
Summaries InEnglish, German, Russian
Historyv109 n1 1970-v130 n3 1991
Publication NotesDisc
Publisher NameVerlag Gesundheit