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Displaying Record for Publication: Chemie, Physikalische Chemie und Anwendungstechnik der Grenzflaechenaktiven Stoffe, Berichte vom Internationalen Kongress fuer Grenzflaechenaktive Stoffe

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleChemie, Physikalische Chemie und Anwendungstechnik der Grenzflaechenaktiven Stoffe, Berichte vom Internationalen Kongress fuer Grenzflaechenaktive Stoffe
Abbreviated TitleChem., Phys. Chem. Anwendungstech. Grenzflaechenakt. Stoffe, Ber. Int. Kongr., 6th
Language of TextEnglish, German, French
Summaries InEnglish, German, French
Alternate Title(s) Berichte vom Internationalen Kongress fuer Grenzflaechenaktive Stoffe, 6th, 1972
Internationaler Kongress fuer Grenzflaechenaktive Stoffe, 6th, 1972
Chimie, Chimie Physique et Applications des Agents de Surface, Compte-Rendu du Congres International de la Detergence, 6th, 1972
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Applications of Surface Active Substances, Proceedings of the International Congress on Surface Active Substances, 6th, 1972
Congres International de la Detergence, 6th, 1972
International Congress on Surface Active Substances, 6th, 1972
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Ber. Int. Kongr. Grenzflaechenakt. Stoffe, 6th, 1972
Int. Kongr. Grenzflaechenakt. Stoffe, 6th, 1972
Chim., Chim. Phys. Appl. Agents Surf., C.-R. Congr. Int. Deterg., 6th, 1972
Chem., Phys. Chem. Appl. Surf. Act. Subst., Proc. Int. Congr. 6th, 1972
Congr. Int. Deterg., 6th, 1972
Int. Congr. Surf. Act. Subst., 6th, 1972