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Displaying Record for Publication: Kungliga Fysiografiska Saellskapets i Lund, Foerhandlingar

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleKungliga Fysiografiska Saellskapets i Lund, Foerhandlingar
Abbreviated TitleK. Fysiogr. Saellsk. Lund, Foerh.
Translated TitleProceedings of the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
Language of TextEnglish, French, German, Swedish
Historyv1 1931-v33 1963
Successor Title NoteSuperseded by
Successor Title(s)Kungliga Fysiografiska Saellskapets i Lund, Aarsbok
Alternate Title(s) Acta Regia Societatis Physiographicae Lundensis
Proceedings of the Royal Physiographic Society at Lund
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Acta Regia Soc. Physiogr. Lund.
Proc. R. Physiogr. Soc. Lund