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Displaying Record for Publication: Extended Abstracts - International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in the Exploration, Mining and Processing of Materials

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleExtended Abstracts - International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in the Exploration, Mining and Processing of Materials
Abbreviated TitleExt. Abstr. - Int. Symp. Anal. Chem. Explor., Min. Process. Mater.
Language of TextEnglish
Alternate Title(s) International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in the Exploration, Mining and Processing of Materials, Extended Abstracts, 1976
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in the Exploration, Mining and Processing of Materials, Extended Abstracts, 1976
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Int. Symp. Anal. Chem. Explor., Min. Process. Mater., Ext. Abstr., 1976
I. U. P. A. C., Int. Symp. Anal. Chem. Explor., Min. Process. Mater., Ext. Abstr., 1976