CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleArab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Abbreviated TitleArab Gulf J. Sci. Res., A
Former Title Note(s)Continues in part
Former Title(s)Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research (1983-1986)
Language of TextEnglish
Summaries InArabic, English
Historyv5 n1 Apr. 1987-v7 n1 Apr. 1989
Publisher NameArab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States
Successor Title NoteMerged with
Merged Title(s)Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, B: Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Successor Title(s)Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research