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Displaying Record for Publication: British Abstracts, B2: Industrial Organic Chemistry

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleBritish Abstracts, B2: Industrial Organic Chemistry
Abbreviated TitleBr. Abstr., B2
Title NotesTitle varies: Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstr., B2, 1941-44
Former Title Note(s)Continues in part
Former Title(s)British Chemical Abstracts, B: Applied Chemistry
Language of TextEnglish
History1941-Dec. 1953
Successor Title NoteMerged with
Merged Title(s)British Abstracts, B1: Chemical Engineering, Fuels Metallurgy, Applied Electrochemistry, and Industrial Inorganic Chemistry
Successor Title(s)Journal of Applied Chemistry, Abstracts
Alternate Title(s) British Chemical and Physiological Abstracts, B2
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Br. Chem. Physiol. Abstr., B2