CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Oxford, United Kingdom)

Entry TypeActive Serial
TitleJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Abbreviated TitleJ. Pharm. Pharmacol. (Oxford, U. K.)
Former Title Note(s)Supersedes
Former Title(s)Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications
Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Language of TextEnglish
Summaries InEnglish
Historyv1 n1 Jan. 1949-
Publication NotesIn Dec. pub. annual unnumbered suppl. containing the Transactions of British Pharmaceutical Conference; Avail. from Internet at URL
Publisher NameOxford University Press
Alternate Title(s) Transactions of the British Pharmaceutical Conference
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Chichester, United Kingdom)
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Trans. Br. Pharm. Conf.
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (Chichester, U. K.)