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Displaying Record for Publication: Proceedings of the American Scientific Congress, 8th, Washington, DC, United States, May 10-18, 1940

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleProceedings of the American Scientific Congress, 8th, Washington, DC, United States, May 10-18, 1940
Abbreviated TitleProc. Am. Sci. Congr., 8th
Title Notesv1 - Organization, Activities, Resolutions and Delegations; v2 - Anthropological Sciences; v3 - Biological Sciences; v4 - Geological Sciences; v5 - Agriculture and Conservation; v6 - Public Health and Medicine; v7 - Physical and Chemical Sciences; v8 - Statistics; v9 - History and Geography; v10 - International Law, Public Law, and Jurisprudence; v11 - Economics and Sociology; v12 - Education
Language of TextEnglish, French, Portuguese, Spanish