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Displaying Record for Publication: Journal of the Textile Institute, Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleJournal of the Textile Institute, Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology
Abbreviated TitleJ. Text. Inst., Part 1
Former Title Note(s)Continues in part
Former Title(s)Journal of the Textile Institute (1910-1995)
Language of TextEnglish
Summaries InEnglish
Historyv87 n1 1996-v94 n3/4 2004
Publisher NameTextile Institute
Successor Title NoteMerged with
Merged Title(s)Journal of the Textile Institute, Part 2: Textile Economics, Management and Marketing
Journal of the Textile Institute, Part 3: Annual Special Issue
Journal of the Textile Institute