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Displaying Record for Publication: Proceedings of the International Congress of Entomology, 10th, Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 17-25, 1956

Entry TypeMeeting Publication
TitleProceedings of the International Congress of Entomology, 10th, Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 17-25, 1956
Abbreviated TitleProc. Int. Congr. Entomol., 10th
Title Notesv1 - Introductions, Systematics, Morphology and Anatomy, Geographical Distribution, Paleiotology, Arachnida and other Land Arthropods; v2 - Physiology and Tosicology, Behavior, including Social Insects, Ecology, Genetics, Cytology, and Biometrics; v3 - Agricultural Entomology, Medical and Veterinary Entomology; v4 - Stored Products Entomology, Forest Entomology, Biological Control, Apiculture
Language of TextEnglish, French, German, Italian, Spanish