CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result

Displaying Record for Publication: Geofisica Pura e Applicata

Entry TypeChanged Title Serial
TitleGeofisica Pura e Applicata
Abbreviated TitleGeofis. Pura Appl.
Translated TitlePure and Applied Geophysics
Language of TextItalian
Historyv1 1939-v56 n3 1963
Successor Title NoteChanged to
Successor Title(s)Pure and Applied Geophysics
Alternate Title(s) Geofisica Pura y Aplicada
Reine und Angewandte Geophysik
Geophysique Pure et Applique
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Geofis. Pura Apl.
Reine Angew. Geophys.
Geophys. Pure Appl.