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Displaying Record for Publication: Sbornik Geologickych Ved, Paleontologie

Entry TypeActive Serial
TitleSbornik Geologickych Ved, Paleontologie
Abbreviated TitleSb. Geol. Ved, Paleontol.
Translated TitleCollected Papers in the Geological Sciences, Palaeontology
Title NotesAlso designated as Rada P
Language of TextCzech, English, German
Summaries InCzech, English, German, Russian
Historyv1 1963+
Alternate Title(s) Sbornik Geologickych Ved, Rada P: Paleontologie
Journal of Geological Sciences, Palaeontology
Paleontologie (Prague)
Abbreviated Alternate Title(s) Sb. Geol. Ved, Rada P
J. Geol. Sci., Palaeontol.
Paleontologie (Prague)